Bowl Goals: What’s New Here

This pile didn’t make it to the bowl before it got photographed, fresh out of the clean off tumble with white craft felt:

Not a Bowl of Beads

A lot of green hearts in there, some of my sunshine and sea garden lentils and rounds and a few small swirly lentils that match the hearts.

My Big Show is coming up pretty quick and while I made my goal for bead production quite a bit ago, I find myself with fewer beads to work with due to the uptick in sales online. Nice problem to have I know. It does mean that I’m madly making beads. This new blue butterfly was to help my in-progress-but-stalled beads:

Blue Butterflies

And finally the cutest of What’s New in my world is, while not mine, still darned adorable. My latest family member – a nephew, Liam Declan – was born just the other day:


4 Responses

  1. Just wanted to say your beads are beautiful! The butterfly canes are amazing. I wish I could figure out how to do that!!! I am trying so desperately to learn more about making things out of polymer clay. Congrats on the new nephew, he is beautiful!


  2. I am so glad that you have attained and surpassed your bowl goals. Such lovelies are in them too. To have your sales be up in this time of recession is another sign of the quality of your work.

    That butterfly cane is magnificent.

    What a darling angelic baby your new nephew is. Your new camera is catching some wonderful pictures these days.

    Your picture is showing a new calmness that is wonderful to see. Life is good to you right now which makes me very happy. It is long over due.

    Moving day is fast approaching I bet you can hardly wait to move into your new digs and have a real studio spot.

    Have a great show but most of all take time to enjoy it.