This was to be my Calgary Expo weekend and next weekend was to be my first Regina Sask Expo weekend. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic they’ve been canceled for this year and that’s all to the good. We need to get a grip on the virus before we start dumping people back into big, packed together, groups again. And that may be a while even if Canada is making some decent progress on #plankingthecurve.
Where does that leave all of us little Artist Alley vendors? Well, I put up my sale in my Etsy shop, same as last year – it’s 20% off orders of $20 or more – and I loaded up the site here which currently has free shipping because I haven’t got the module set up quite right yet. It says it’s charging it but it actually isn’t, yet, which tells me it’s an issue with the gateway. I just haven’t had the chance to go and tweak that yet.
And now I’m going to be a sad, mad little geek and hope that 2021 sees us in a much better spot! Be safe folks, none of this is fun without you!
One Response
Thank you Elaine’ I love all the new stuff you have up and although shipping is going to take quite awhile I will be placing another order beginning of next month!
I am below you in Michigan and normally shipping is 10 days with everyone backed up it’ll probably take nearly 2 weeks but I am always willing to wait for your creations!