Despite the fact that I’ve done half of my seasonal shows already, it’s been a little hard to get in the winter holiday spirit! The fall has been unseasonably warm for Calgary.
The peek outside my window this morning should cure that though. I can almost feel the urge to pop some Christmas carols in my playlist and pull out the “in progress” angel cane I’ve had sitting here for WEEKS. Here is a little blue heart on ribbon that somehow came back with me from this weeks show. It’s sort of winter coloured, no?
This week has me teaching my first class at the Sheep Creek Weaver’s Guild. I’ll be covering the basics of clay and helping the talented group make up some beads, buttons and other embellishments that can be used in their fiber arts.
Saturday is the Craft and Bake Sale held by my own community. It’s usually a leisurely thing with time to chat with friends, drink coffee and do crafts. They are in a busy part of town and, at my last glance, still had space for vendors. If you are in Calgary, give the Albert Park Radisson Heights Community Association lady a call! Or, drop me a line and I’ll forward you her email.
3 Responses
I received the beads I ordered today and am stunned. They are just beautiful. You will be hearing from me soon, as I know I will be placing another order.
Thanks, so much for your quick response. I wish I lived in Canada, so that I could take a class from you.
Thank you for the sweet words Lori! I am happy you like them. I would LOVE to see what you do with the beads, if you get the chance 🙂
What a pretty heart! The ribbon matches well and, yes, gives it a wintery touch. I love it.
I received a necklace with beads (from the giveaway Elaine kindly hosted on her blog) and, like Lori, I am stunned. They look a lot more beautiful in “real life” than in pictures.
Thank you Elaine. Very talented… 🙂 too bad we’re not in Calgary to be able to take classes and visit the craft shows!