Time is Really Persistent and the October Update

I had been on a good clip of long and short form video uploads and then my time management sort of hit the wall of reality. I had a good sized pile of orders with concrete shipping dates and 3 events one weekend after another. So a good month between the last video and the one that I will hopefully get up next week! Ideally, I’d build up a bit of a backlog of videos to allow for stuff like this but I’m not quite there yet!

The loose video schedule for the remainder of the year is some fall and Halloween content followed by some winter and Christmas canes and projects. In the new year I’ll have some updated shop related content to toss in there as well since what I do for work and how I do it might be of interest to other crafters looking to do their art as a serious side hustle or day job.

I’m hoping to get the rest of my shop Christmas stuff loaded up in the first half of October so I’ll call this the first shop update warning! Canadian Thanksgiving is next week so we may have some schedule fussing but it should still work.