The Shop: Finished Items

By this point you probably know I sell beads and canes on Etsy. I tend to talk about those a lot. A little less discussed is my Field and Fable shop on Etsy which has finished items in it. Not many because I am continually arguing with myself: do I leave them in a separate shop? Do I put them in my much larger and more successful other shop? And as a result, the poor thing is always neglected. Decisions!

The other reason my Field and Fable shop on Etsy tends to be neglected is that I initially wanted it to also have the work of other local artists in there. People whom I couldn’t convince to start their own Etsy shops for some reason. And technically, if I only “worked” for them, I could do that but I made the mistake of accurately describing my relationship with them and the Etsy rep vetoed me. So, to sell their work on Etsy, I may have to work up a different sort of agreement with them. And so on.

I hate when things are needlessly complicated for completely arbitrary reasons.