Updating my Booth Design Part 1

This year I’m hoping to do a few more big shows – not quite the big big (the ones with $800 price tags instead of $300) ones but building up to it! And part of that is going to be updating my booth displays to be more shop like. That is, cohesive, original and in line with my work.

Fall Gun & Hobby Show Booth

I’m not sure who ever told me that jewellery vendors use black but I think it crept into my brain. So I went with black table clothes, black display busts and jewellery racks. And when I got these great, super useful boxes at Ikea, I painted them black.

Guess what? Almost none of my work in the last ten years is anything but nature themes. The colours pop against black but the black is what every other jewellery vendor – and there are always lots – had. And black fades, nicks, and sucks light.


I decided this year I would take the boxes back to a neutral pale colour. The thought of sanding several layers of black spray paint off was horrid. In the end, I just primed and painted with a beige colour. I’m toying with the idea of distressing it to make it more vintagey but for now they’ll stay beige.

Painter's Help

I even talked my teen into helping paint. We had lovely weather and both ended up with freckles of beige.

Old Crates

Since I’m hoping to fill a larger booth better, I’ll be using the great crates I got last fall. Thing is, they are used. Some need filling and repairs. All need cleaning and a little sanding. So that’s been part of the project. I love ’em though. And the combo of boxes, and the trays from the Ikea boxes, gives me tons of building blocks for shows.