Firming Up Ideas

I make a LOT of polymer clay beads. Beads are wonderful because they’re the ultimate instant gratification – pretty much anyone can scrape up enough patience to make a nice looking bead at least once. And really, for me, the process is just that repeated over and over.

Then I have piles of beads and orders for finished items – or shows coming up – and I have moments of panic. I like making jewellery, honest! It’s just never as quick a process as making those cute little beads was though.

Five Flowers

This year, in particular, I have a bunch of higher end shows I’m in the process of applying for so I need pictures more indicative of what I will bring to the show to set me apart from the half dozen other polymer clayers and the 30 or 50 other jewellery craft folks. I’ve been trying hard to think in lines so that I can show a variety of related awesome pieces and it is just now starting to come together.