I did the third Abbeydale Spring Craft sale and it was a flop. I don’t even think it was anything the organizer did either – the first one was disorganized but the second was good and I did well. This one was well organized and I think the only table that did fabulously was the one with puppies!
Beautiful weather, clear, obvious street advertising. Vendors, a variety of stuff and prices. Plenty of lead time. And… nothing.
I did get the opportunity to encourage all the crafty folk there to try out Etsy, look into the Etsy Alberta team and generally network. The lady with the table beside me is FROM the small town I’m moving to next month. My mom picked up a fabulous purse from a talented artist there and I’m hoping I talked her into trading buttons for an artists roll.
This is the table in progress of setting up. The board on it is actually a hinged, shallow box now thanks to my stepdad. Totally awesome. It needs a bit more painting and sanding but I ran out of that. It will be fabulous next week at my Very Big Show with many more pendants on it and charms and dangling items on the reverse side of the arms.
As for the puppies, we bought cookies at the fundraiser bake sale. Chloe tells me she’d rather have the puppies.