Swaps for Everyone

When I was new to the online polymer clay community, I joined a lot of swaps. I had been claying on and off for years by that point but hadn’t had much exposure to more refined projects yet. I joined quite a few swaps those first couple years!

My goal was to see what others were doing, how they put pieces together, how it worked. There were whole ranges of people in each swap, too – published experts and first month newbies.

This year I joined two I had done before. Connie’s Bug Swap (which you can see a post about on her blog) and Sarajane Helm’s ambitious mask swap. Below are my entries – the masks are a spoiler so don’t keep going if you’d rather be surprised when that swap closes.

Shiny Beetles Caned Butterflies

And the masks, which share my fascination with the little clay faces in the flower patches you see a lot of in my other work:

Ignore me I'm a Spoiler

6 Responses

  1. Thanks guys! So good for my ego!

    I had a lot of fun painting the masks, forgot how much I liked just slathering paint on things lol.

  2. They look great! I too like to do swaps and get in contact with other clayers around the world 🙂

    I’m in the mask swap as well, can’t wait to receive them, maybe we where in the same group?

    greetings from Italy

  3. Just curious, I’ve been trying to find swaps online but all I get is old completed ones. Any suggestions on where to find current ones to join? I am dying to try swapping!