Etsy Goodies

The site updating is going pretty painlessly so far! Yay! There’s a few more changes to be made but here’s a post that might be helpful for my Etsy-using friends:

I’ve been selling on Etsy the last 18 months or so and I like the place. It has it’s issues but overall, the price is right. Here’s a few off-Etsy tools to help with your Etsy experience:

More Info Please

  • Unofficial Etsy News – these folks take the headlines at Etsy and put them in one spot instead of requiring you to sift through Etsy’s own chaotic and unreliable news services.
  • – this site helps you sort through the somewhat complicated ‘favourites’ system at Etsy. It will count up all your item hearts or views for you and display them in a format that’s usable. This is a way to see what’s popular in your shop.
  • Pricing Spreadsheets – by Chris Parry is a great answer to: How much should I price it at? There are other excellent posts on the site but this one’s an eye opener.

Help Me Sell

  • Let’s Ets – will actually make the file you need to load up the contents of your Etsy site to Google’s shopping listings. Free, simple and super useful.
  • We Love Etsy – is a social network (I know, you need another one of those) that is high traffic and regularly updated. In other words, useful. A way to make contacts, network and promote.

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