I am not an early adopter of things – DaWanda isn’t new – but this could be considered in the early part of the game. DaWanda is a European based handmade crafts venue. It is more strictly regulated than Etsy (people mass producing and mass reselling are investigated and removed when flagged). It has 3 parts; an English site, a German one and a French one and the listings in each do not necessarily appear in all 3. You are asked to have the ability to help customers in each language you post in before posting in it.
All in all I think it’s fascinating. And, so far, listings are free and the commission is a very reasonable %5. I made a shop a bit ago and this Sunday I uploaded a few sets:
OK. So more than a few. All of these canes – or most of them at least – are available in my shop here or I can put them on Etsy for you, instead. If you’d like to be my first buyer on DaWanda I will tuck in an extra cane of your choice from my shop – just message me and let me know!
I am experimenting with how canes shipped with Canada’s Light Packet would do and if they’re fine, then that would allow single boxes of canes to ship to the US for 2.50 which is similar to what we charge on Etsy, for shipping IN the US.
5 Responses
please keep us updated on the dawanda shop! i’ve been looking into that instead of going to etsy…
Will do!
I don’t know if it’ll be more successful than Etsy has been for me but a little diversification is good. And it wasn’t too bad setting up and listing.
I am very curious too Elaine… I agree a little diversification can only be good. Just because the economy is down in the States doesn’t mean its down in Europe and vice versa. Also I could see different products working better in different areas. I’d love to hear how it works out for you!
It’s funny – I hear a lot about the economic downturn but I think it has made people pickier more than anything. The bulk of my clients are in the US and my sales have only increased in the last year.
But I am a numbers person, and its free to try… so venues galore, here I come!
Hi, I have been out of the mainsteam of selling since the beginning of 2005. I had been selling online at Justbeads.com
I have just got back into my studio to begin creating and I noticed that Justbeads.com is practicley a ghost town. I have been trying to figure out where everyone has gone to. I have been thinking about Etsy, so when reading reading your blog I was happy to find that it sounds like alot of others have turned to Etsy. I am also intrigued by “Dewanda”
Its hard to get started again, exspecially when you get out of touch like I have. Your blog has been helpful and I have also enjoyed it.
Lisa T/krafteame
Enchanted Visons Clayart