Somewhere in the production of making a stack of new canes, beads and finished items for upcoming shows and online venues, I found the time to fool around with some new work and old favourites.
I hadn’t played with shrinky plastic for more than 20 years even though I’ve begun to see it around again, a lot. Friday I was stranded in a Michaels waiting for a thunderstorm to end and a pack called… The suns are based off of a large stamp of mine. One side shows the frosted side I coloured on, the other is shiny smooth top side. Tons of fun with these!
In the search for pretty icing on my food beads, I tried the very simple thinned out TLS as a sweet looking glaze. Voila! It worked. I thinned out a teaspoon of TLS with a few droppers of mineral oil and iced beads! Next, try with alcohol colouring.
The final ones are the end slices off some older face canes I reduced for my shop – I reduced them a little small (still perfect for beads though) so they are all a very reasonable $3.00 instead of the $3.50 or $4.00 my semi complex canes are. Distortion can sometimes be a fun thing.
One Response
The cinnamon buns look yummy enough to eat. Though that tiny you’d have to eat a hundred or so!
I love the faces! Picasso-ish and slightly sinister… very cool!